Our action component encompasses For the Flow's role in providing period products to those who need them in a safe, effective, and streamlined manner.
For the Flow supplies Northeast Ohio organizations such as homeless shelters, domestic abuse shelters, sobriety homes and more. We seek to provide period products in environments that feel safe and in places that are easily accessible to those most in need.. We look for community partners who support individuals who face adversity and lack access to menstrual hygiene products. This way we are ensuring an effective and positive impact on the NEO community.
Menstrual equity is the concept that all individuals should have access to affordable menstrual products, education about menstrual health, and support for managing their periods with dignity. Lack of menstrual equity disproportionately affects low-income individuals, homeless populations, and marginalized communities. Addressing menstrual equity involves advocating for policy changes, destigmatizing periods, and ensuring that menstrual products are readily available to those in need. By promoting menstrual equity, we strive for a society where menstruation is not a barrier to health, education, or opportunity.